Monday, September 3, 2007


This was sent in by Leanne...she says:

"Renee had to make an All About Me Cube as a homework assignment, she was 12at the time of making this. I was so pleased with her efforts with this. Thelayout designs were all her own idea. She even stitched on the layouts, she was so impressed with that idea! The cube had to have each side withsomething about her. A portrait, her family, babyhood, holiday or favouriteouting, personal interests and a timeline. I think she did a fab job of itand she even got an A++ for it at school. Well deserved I think, but I couldbe a little biased LOL."

Well done Renee, it looks great. I so hear you on the sewing, but you have done a great job

1 comment:

Joyce at Salisburys Corner said...

This is absolutely awesome!! How on earth do you make one?