Sunday, September 2, 2007

TAG your it

Starting a tag.
  • Rules are: copy and paste this into your blog and tag 3 bloggers to put it on their blog.
  1. You've been TAGGED, now you have to go to scrap the stuff leave a comment AND submit a page or OTP.
  2. Tag 3 friends and leave comment on their blog to let them know they've been tagged
  3. I tag....Tess, Joyce, Christina
  4. GO FORTH and advertise.


Deb said...

I've been tagged and in turn have tagged Bev,Julie and Wendie. Tanks Tess! I will send through a LO or OTP shortly.

Have a nice day,

Inspire_Me said...

I tagged Chrissy, Melleny and Lisa. Great layouts so far!